The best perk of my job, like many, are the weekends. However, since I travel so much, my company will fly me anywhere in the country for a comparable price if I don't want to go home. Well, this is something I feel needs to be taken advantage of as often as possible. When else will I get free flights throughout the US? So, in the spirit of being advantageous, I went out to Los Angeles this past weekend to visit my best friend. She and I have been friends since we were about 3 years old, we bonded over our love of getting muddy and collecting onion grass in red solo cups at our brother's soccer games...awe memories. Back to the visit, I flew out of Dallas on Friday and arrived at LAX around 2pm, just in time to take a cab to her Hollywood office, where I just so happened to have the pleasure of meeting Ashton Kutcher, background- she works for his production company. Oh the Hollywood life, so far from my reality. Our weekend consisted of a private movie screening, eating sushi in a parking lot, singing the verve pipe- freshman at the top our lungs, dancing the robot in the car, horse races, vegan mexican, speakeasies, a small music venue in Silverlake, more sushi sans parking lot, and the best part of all, the
Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena.

Hidden gem through a secret door- Downtown LA :)
I should have bought this on principal alone :)
If you're wondering where Southern Californians get their vintage tees, dresses, and scarves, you might be thinking that they are hitting up the local Urban Outfitters. But I think you'd be sadly mistaken. They are probably going to the Rose Bowl Flea Market the second Sunday of each month. This is by far the largest flea market that I've ever been to and also the most stocked. This market has over 2,500 vendors that come with furniture, fur coats, jewelry - old and newly designed, a bloody mary bar, grilled hot dogs, churros, and a what appears to be an endless supply of vintage tees and dresses. Not going to lie, not every shirt is "vintage" I came across a few Op and Stussy shirts, but hey, those were the early 90s... so maybe they are considered vintage at this point. Either way, I was overwhelmed with the plethora of tees that were all under $10- most were about $5, I managed to rummage through a couple of $3 boxes and came across some one of a kind hand crafted screen printed vintage shirts for $20. I have a thing for all things vintage - tees, jewelry, and of course, old 70s style dresses. I was lucky enough to find an amazing purple dress for $10 that I fully intend on wearing as soon as I get home. Check it out. I'm thinking of cutting and re-hemming the sleeves... any thoughts?

In case you didn't believe me! :)
Now, don't think that all this flea market had to offer was amazing, one of a kind vintage tees and dresses, it also has the same one of a kind antique furniture for a steal. Unfortunately, I don't live local otherwise you might see me renting a truck for what I'd call "Flea Market Day" and roll home with the complete furnishings for my quant Venice Beach bungalow, then spend the rest of the day decorating and walking my dog on the beach. Oh, man I just got lost in a day dream- someday! Take a look at my pictures from the market and some of my favorite purchases!
And the best one to date...
What makes this one even more special, is the muscle tank element to top it off.