Friday, July 9, 2010

Citizen of the World

Today I received some exciting news regarding my Chilean citizenship.  As it turns out, I have dual citizenship (Chile and USA).  For those not aware, I was born and adopted from Santiago, Chile and I was under the impression that when I became a US Citizen in the early 1990's that meant that I forfeited my Chilean Citizenship.  On the contrary, according to the Chilean Consulate, I still have my Chilean citizenship and can obtain a Chilean passport.  This is great news because it now means that I can live and work in Chile without needing to obtain a visa.  I've always wanted to go back and live in Chile...Cheers and Happy Friday :)

My other country, Isn't it beautiful?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Heart Postcards

Thank you A Cup of Jo for bringing Max Wanger photography into my life.  I love the prints, the shirts and I think I'm seriously in love with the postcards.  I think I'll start collecting some and use them to write little ditties to my friends/family while I travel.  Also, is it too soon to book him as my wedding photographer when I don't even have a boyfriend? I'm thinking yes...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I need to get crafty. Isn't this an awesome scrapbook idea from Ali Edwards?

Is anyone doing anything crafty these days? Maybe instead of a book club, I should join or start a craft club...